Finding a users location on Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd etc the simple way
🌈Love Wins, Always🌈
The original article about locating a persons position on a dating app was removed several years ago. Around the world, LGBTQ+ individuals are persecuted for being their true selves every day, and the author of this site does not wish to promote any activity that could lead to the harming of another individual.
If you're searching this topic in the interest of comitting a hate crime, you should take a serious look at your life. Come to terms with your hidden feelings and stop hating on those who are open and honest. Leaving the closet is a life-changing experience, you can do it 😋
With recent changes to almost all dating apps, the distance marker has become much less accurate and is not a reliable indicator of a persons position. Apps now add a degree of entropy to the posted distance in a bid to protect the lives of individuals around the world.
For those worried about potentially giving away your approximate position, you should consider turning off the "show location" function in your app. This prevents a potentially malicious individual from being able to attain any significant location data. Always let a friend know when you're meeting a stranger, and try to meet in a public space. Stay safe out there, you magnificent beauties 💖